Creatorip's Blog

January 30, 2011

.Net 4.0 the way i read it!!

    Like all (good) programmers i(call my self one ;)) always start with what is new and how much code writing it will save me for lets go through what is new in .net 4.0.

    dotnet 4.0 framework

  • A good downward compatibility: this was there in all older versions still this is a new feature so never mind and ya it does provide process side by side execution for the modules developed on different platform(Site says if it does not work then send the bugs to Microsoft) . what i believe is that the main thread should be a .net 4.0 deployment so that the framework is fixed and then you can go on adding the other frameworks (ahhh makes sense).
  • A Good deployment wizard as promised!
  • Performance diagnose is moved from thread to application domain level: i was waiting for the same for a long time now all i need a deployment and testing for my SQL which has a long list of unloaded appdomain every day (Memory pressures) and also are some webapps where i have gone beyond using static classes and  multithreading  for messaging and logging!.
  • Code contracts: this is totally a new thing and ya it has a new namespace  System.Diagnostics.Contracts.  there are two words to remember requires and ensures these two corresponds to preconditions and postconditions checking of the code. and defining these helps the compiler as well as testing. the module testing and documentation gets a bust by this thing. how! we will c on later posts(ya i am going to write a whole lot y should i only suffer)
  • Garbage collections is finally renovated and ya it has a parallel execution collection unlike in older versions.
  • Dynamic Language run time: it a new runtime environment that allows you to set dynamic languages to access on clr components and objects. A new name space  System.Dynamic . it is a new layer on top of CLR the usual monster that enables the porting of dynamic object on static language code. main beneficial part would be the dynamic languages will have access to garbage collection and loading of .net frame work on the other end static language can share libraries with using dynamic languages and REPL async. operation gets faster. all n all it looks security and promotes writing non type safe codes but can be very affective when one want to have highly interactive and fast gui(chat apps,feed,news feeds etc.).


  • Memory mapped files: i have been writing some long codes for sharing data in multiple thread/process and every now and then static fields have been the victim of it. there are two type of files


      • persisted: those who are stored on the disk when done working on it and GC does not affect them any way(unless you are me write a code where writers are left open for ever)
      • non persisted: these are advance scratchpad that allows you to change an already assigned memory block which can be available for GC when released by all the process.
  • Tuple(first and only word i know from my database class):  this is a new class provides container a singleton object for 1-8 object max for non generic tuple class. i don’t know where it is required but still sounds interesting when you say tuple in .net.
  • file system enumeration they say it will improve the performance of the system when accessing a large  dictionary.
  • parallel computing : it is a model where you can have multiple threads working on multiple peaces of same task. where as it can provide us a greater speed and performance making full use of the hardware available in the system for supporting all these things  .net has come up with new name space System.Threading.Tasks and PLInQ(parallel Linq, i am going to use it like anything ;))
Parallel Processing in .net 4.0

Parallel Processing in .net 4.0

  • side as some new futures most awaited Charting is inbuilt now, ajax with some new controls and application preload manager are the highlights from the section.
  • has so much new that it will require another post so for now lets say you can do everything from linq .net 4.o that you can do from SSMS of 2008 sever enterprise.
  • Networking : the favorite part of mine has not much in the bag rather sspi/windows authentication on smtp and ftp connections, httpRequest has network performance counter and ssl supports here and there not much !! not happy x-).

just to summarized the details future for .net programmers looks very good to me but in the entire post you and i cant find anything on mobile devices so, I will defiantly come back with some more details and diagrams. for now enjoy..

please comment and send questions and suggestions for improvement.

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